Lo.Li. Pharma
We are an Italian company, based in Rome, involved in the development and marketing of medical devices and food supplements.
Scientific research, know-how and quality have always been our hallmark and enabled us to pursue our most important goal which is to create safe and effective formulations that meet the needs of medical doctors and patients.
We have been operating for years in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, where we acquired particular recognition in the field of female and male fertility. In recent years our scientific commitment has expanded to other therapeutic areas, including endocrinology, urology and andrology. In recent years our scientific commitment has expanded to other therapeutic areas, including endocrinology, urology and andrology.
The strength of our company is the passion of its founder for scientific research, supported by a young and dynamic group, committed to guaranteeing the highest levels of quality, safety and effectiveness of the specialities developed and placed on the market. We work in a rigorous and effective way, in compliance with ethical and moral principles.
Therapeutic areas
Female fertility
Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Male Fertility and Andrology
PCOS, il fenotipo D sotto la lente di ingrandimento
La sindrome dell'ovaio policistico (PCOS) è considerata il disturbo endocrinologico più comune tra le donne in età riproduttiva. Le pazienti con PCOS soffrono di numerosi problemi di salute, tra cui...
PCOS: se fosse necessario riconsiderare eziologia, diagnosi e trattamenti?
La sindrome dell’ovaio policistico (PCOS) rappresenta una delle patologie più comuni nelle donne in età fertile. L’eterogeneità della PCOS, la diversità delle sue manifestazioni cliniche,...
Prof. Andrea Tinelli: sintomi, cause e trattamenti dei fibromi uterini
Il Prof. Andrea Tinelli, direttore dell’U.O.C. Ginecologia ed Ostetricia all’Ospedale Scorrano di Lecce, è intervenuto ai microfoni di “La Casa della Salute” su RTV San Marino per parlare di fibromi...